Selection Process
After close of advertising, a short-list of applicants who are registered for the property type and have expressed an interest will be taken from the Basildon Choice system.
In normal circumstances, the short-list will identify the order of applicants based on who is in the highest band with the earliest effective date. Adverts will specify any additional criteria; applicants who do not meet these will not be short-listed.
The top bidder will be notified of a provisional offer and will be required to revalidate their homeseeker application and will normally be expected to provide the documentation requested for validation within one to two days If the applicant has not contacted the Allocations department within 48 hours of the provisional offer being made, or has contacted but failed to provide the documentation for validation and/or attend the viewing of the property, the offer will be treated as a refusal and the property will be offered to the next person on the short-list.
Whilst the offer is under consideration, no further bids/offers will be made and applicants will not be short-listed for other available properties. If an applicant is top for more than one property they have bid for, we will endeavour to contact them to confirm their preference however the council retains the right to make an offer on any of the properties the applicant has expressed an interest in if they have been unable to contact the applicant.
Verification and Offer
Applicants will be notified of the documentation required for validation in the provisional offer letter which is either sent via email (if provided) and user message on your online account, therefore it is important that applicants keep checking their account online for any messages incase they have been successful in their bid on a property as they will only have a short period of time to provide the information.
It is very important that you ensure your contact details (email and telephone number) are kept updated.
If during the verification process it shows that the applicant is not eligible for the property, the provisional offer will be withdrawn. The application will be reassessed to ensure the correct priority has been awarded. If the Council believes an applicant was trying to obtain a property by deception, e.g., providing incorrect information, then the application will be suspended while we investigate whether an act of housing fraud has been committed.
If the verification checks show the applicant still qualifies, they will be invited to an accompanied internal viewing of the property usually within one to two days.
Registered Providers may also require applicants to complete their own particular application form at time of offer. If this is the case, the Registered Provider will contact the applicant to advise.