Allocation Scheme Amendments (Sept 2022)

Improved access to social housing for members of the Armed Forces 

New measures below have been introduced to Improve access to social housing for members of the Armed Forces and ensure that those who have given the most for their country, and their families, get the priority for social housing that they deserve.

  • Divorced or separated spouses or civil partners of Service personnel who need to move out of accommodation provided by the Ministry of Defence will now be treated as if they have a local connection, no longer just the service personnel themselves. 
  • We have increased banding priority from D to B for forces applicants who meet the local connection criteria and have urgent housing needs. 
  • All forces veterans are now entitled to an effective backdate to recognise their full time in service no matter how long ago that service was completed. 


Applicants aged 55 or over applying for Sheltered Housing 

We have raised the combined savings and owned property limit from £250,000 to £286,000 for applicants who are aged 55 or over and applying for sheltered accommodation in the Borough. 


Applicants with a housing need but no local connection 

Applicants with a relevant housing need as listed below, but no local connection, will be placed in one band below those applicants in the same circumstances who do have a local connection.  This means that priority is still given to applicants that do meet the local connection (7 years)

• Homeless 

• Living in overcrowded conditions

• Medical/welfare grounds 

• Hardship 

• Living in insanitary conditions 


Homeless and Supported Housing Scheme applicants 

We have raised banding priority and shortened the timescales between moving up bands for homelessness applicants (accepted by Basildon Council) to help reduce the time spent in temporary accommodation and help to provide them with a timely move on into settled accommodation.

Applicants in BBC partner supported accommodation schemes and child in care leavers, will also see their band increased to B when ready to move on from their supported placement. 


Sempra Homes Tenants 

Sempra homes tenants who were nominated to their tenancy through BBCs Homeseeker register may now join the Homeseeker register providing they have a housing need and meet all other qualification criteria. 


Availability of large properties

Due to limited availability of large properties, a quota of up to 1 % of Council owned 4-bedroom properties will be made available to applicants currently living in a property with 3 bedrooms or less whose housing need is 5 bedrooms or more, providing that the move would not result in their household becoming statutory overcrowded. 

If the applicant accepts a 4-bedroom property this should help ease their overcrowding situation and they can then choose to re-join the Homeseeker register if they still wish to transfer property that fully suits their long-term needs.